StartseiteKunst und KulturStreiten Sie nicht mit einem Deutschen …    


Streiten Sie nicht mit einem Deutschen … — 3 Kommentare

  1. Pingback:„So kam ich unter die Deutschen …“ – Ronalds Notizen

  2. I lived in Ger­many as a child, and lear­ned a bit in the 1st grade. Then in High School, and col­lege stu­died a bit of Ger­man. . . I’ve visi­ted Europe and com­mu­ni­ca­ted in Ger­man a bit, but have never attai­ned any real fluency.

    I always assu­med that it was more or less a non­sense song by Grace using her high school German. . .

    I actually have the record, and in the liner notes the tran­scrip­tion is awful. So mis­s­pel­led as to indi­cate that whoe­ver tran­scri­bed it never actually had much cont­act at all with the language. 

    The word you tran­scribe as “Arsch­ba­cken” is writ­ten in the liner notes as “aus packen” and I always assu­med she said “aus­pa­cken”. . . I agree that „gas“ is an Ame­ri­ca­ni­zed take on “ben­zene” . . . So using your idea, „pack some gas up my ass“ might be what she inten­ded to say (ha ha). . .

    I enjoyed your little stories. . .

    Lei­der kann ich nicht so gutes Deutsch sprechen. . . 

    Bis spä­ter

    • Thank you very much for your inte­res­t­ing and hel­pful comment!

      Yes, “Arsch­ba­cken” could be “aus­pa­cken” even that would not pro­vide more sense, but you might be right that the per­son who tran­scri­bed it never had much cont­act at all with the lan­guage. “Aus­pa­cken” is always writ­ten in one word! I didn’t know that there is a tran­scrip­tion in the liner notes. Though I’m having some of their records but not this one.

      By the way: if You are inte­res­ted I also have some posts in Eng­lish or at least par­ti­ally trans­la­ted into Eng­lish. You may find them under my tag “eng­lish”.



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